Thursday 15 November 2012

Everything about... me :')

well, I'm gonna share something about me in this post.
hope you like it. ;)

okay, my real name is Timiaty Khadijah.
maybe it sounds like "sok alim" haha. but, it have a good means in it.

now I'm 13th years old, and I live in MGR1 Jakbar.

About me, and my family..

Yeahh, {}{} love this one.
above, it's a photo of my big family.
well, i'm the one who wore T-shirt with the text "Purwa Caraka" on it.

me, my mom, and my sister . ;;D

and, those three pics, itu ketika lagi ngadain arisan di rumahnya @mirana_nami {}{}
well, all those pics above are a long time ago ~

and, the last pic is when I was 7th years old.hahahahhahahahahha


About me, and my Friends ~

Ini foto bareng temen sd, uhm.
sorry, for the picture quality.

about my new friends ?


About me ~

heyy, gua langsung aja yaa.


Nama           :  Timiaty Khadijah
umur            : 13th
TTL             : Bali, 14/des-1999
pekerjaan      : Pelajar
kelas            : 7
alamat          :    -
no. telp         :    -
hobby           : gatau.
makanan fav  : Sate ayam, Chicken wings and Macaroni ~ ;9
minuman fav  : Vanilla Milkshake
tempat fav     : Puncak, Pantai.
Ortu : Bokap :  -  Nyokap :  -

Berbadan Sedang, Dada datar, berambut keriting dan mengembang (asli) , tinggi - , berat - ,
berkulit coklat muda, Asli warga Indonesia, Manado & Sunda. ;p wkwk.

Sunday 11 November 2012


                                                  HAHAHA, LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL.

Saturday 10 November 2012


Hey guys, I've just made my new blog ~

well, I will post something that I hope you'll like it.
love, Mia. {}

This is me by the way =>